Pro-Vas: New Male Contraceptive Procedure

Pro-Vas is a male birth control procedure, of course, prevents trudnoću.Bez scalpel procedure takes 15 minutes or less with little post-procedural boli.Vas occlusive procedure is the same in the way the vasectomy, but instead of cutting, sewing or cauterizing the vas deferens, a steady clip is attached. This creates a more positive overall experience for men and their families.

There is no general anesthesia required for the Pro-Vas, so the procedure can be performed safely and comfortably in your practice. Pro-Vas is a little unique titanium and polymer clip that effectively occludes each vas deferens, stopping the flow sperme.Blagi pressure from Pro-Vas clip is specifically designed to block sperm without damaging the tissue. This new non-scalpel vasectomy method requires only one or two small openings in the skin causing discomfort and fewer infections than the standard methods of vasectomy.

Men who undergo this procedure should continue to use other forms of contraception for 2 to 3 months after implantation, while the body is able to eliminate all the sperm that remains within sustava.Sperma checked at six and twelve weeks after surgery to ensure all sperm had stopped, and then the device can be used as a kind of contraception. Men who have pro-Vas clip and continue to produce sperm in the testes, but is absorbed in the body, because he can not go through your cijevi.Implantacija this device will not change the male sex drive, erection, semen quality, the climax of sensation, testicles, or scrotum.

"Pro-Vas is the most exciting innovation yet. When the people and their doctors understand the simplicity and efficiency of the device, I think it will completely change the way we think about male birth control. People today have several contraception options and our culture and advertisers have placed the burden of birth control to women generally. Pro ​​offers you a simple and effective alternative. I think it has the potential to change the way men and women look at birth control, "said Bill Dennis, CEO MenRx surgery.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval to Pro as you clip ligation of the vas deferens in 2007. Unlike a vasectomy, which is considered permanent, although it can be reversed, in some cases, the Pro-Vas is easily reversed with normal vasovasostomy procedure. The average present complications in this procedure are bruising of the scrotum, infection of the discord within the scrotum and the failure of physicians to place one or both of the clips properly.

Patient prognosis of this procedure is safe because the results are promising. His performance is more than the standard vasectomy, and most people continue their normal activities in less than a day after the procedure. The various advantages of this procedure PRO-VAS decreased pain after the procedure, reduces the potential complications when compared with other methods, reversible with vasovasostomy procedure, and of course to prevent unintended pregnancy. Other temporary contraceptive methods can be avoided with this unique procedure and a healthy sexual relationship.

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